Empowered to Share God's Love: Your Role in God's Mission

*This blog post was generated using church.tech from the talk that was preached for On Mission 2024 week 1

You might wonder how you can make a difference in the world. Have you ever felt a tug on your heart to do something more, something impactful? If so, you're not alone. Many of us feel this way, and the good news is that God has a plan for each of us to be part of His mission. In our recent sermon series, "On Mission," we explored how we can be empowered by Jesus to share the gospel both locally and globally. Let's dive into what it means to be on mission and how you can take concrete steps to follow Jesus in this calling.

God's Plan Revealed

From the beginning of time, God has had a plan to rescue humanity. This plan is woven throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, and it centers on one word: redemption. God wants to bring people who are separated from Him because of their sins into a close relationship with Jesus, the Savior of the world. This plan started with Abraham, who was promised to be the father of many nations, and it continues with us today. God sees our souls, not our social status or political views, and He wants to use us to reach others.

God's House Is Open to All

King Solomon built the temple as a place where people could meet with God, worship Him, and witness His power. Solomon's prayer was that all the peoples of the earth would know that the Lord is God. Jesus reinforced this when He said, "My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations" (Matthew 21:13). This means that God's love is for everyone, and we are called to welcome all people to experience His love. We can't change anyone, but God can transform even the most hardened hearts.

Jesus Empowered His People

Before ascending to heaven, Jesus told His disciples, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). This message is not just about being nice to people; it's about sharing the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ with power and authority. Jesus has given us the power to make a difference, and He calls us to be His witnesses everywhere we go.

How to Get Involved

So, how can you be on mission? Here are four practical steps:

  1. Represent Jesus Where You Are: Be an ambassador for Christ in your daily life. Whether it's at work, school, or in your community, let your actions and words reflect Jesus. Think of members of our church who use their unique skills and passions to reach others, like Bob and Wendy with their Civil War reenactments or Clem in the nursing homes and jails.
  2. Pray for Opportunities: Pray for missionaries globally and locally. Use our On Mission prayer guide to pray for specific needs and opportunities. As Paul wrote, "Brothers and sisters, pray for us also" (1 Thessalonians 5:25). Your prayers can make a significant impact.
  3. Give Generously: Support missions through your financial giving. Our Faith Promise Missions Offering is a way to give above and beyond your regular tithes to support local and global missions. Every dollar you give helps spread the gospel and meet needs around the world.
  4. Go and Reach People: Be open to the possibility that God might be calling you to go on a mission trip or even become a full-time missionary. Whether it's across the street or across the sea, be willing to step out in faith and share the gospel.


God's mission is clear: to share the gospel both locally and globally. Are you ready to be on mission? Are you ready to let God's power work in you and through you to reach others? Remember, God doesn't just save you from something; He empowers you for something. This week, take a step to share God's love with someone. Whether it's through prayer, giving, or going, you have a part to play in God's redemptive plan.


Dear Jesus, thank You for empowering us to be Your witnesses. Help us to see the opportunities around us to share Your love and the gospel. Give us the courage to step out in faith and be a light in our communities and beyond. Use us to make a difference in the lives of others, and may Your name be glorified in all that we do. Amen.

Check out the talk this blog post came from below

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