Multiplication Matters to Jesus: How to Transform Your Perspective

*This blog post was generated using from the talk that was preached for Multiply week 1
Have you ever wondered how your life could be part of something bigger, something that impacts not just you but the world around you? If you're like most of us, the start of a new year brings a fresh perspective and a chance to set new goals. But what if this year, instead of just adding new habits or routines, you focused on multiplying your impact for God's kingdom?

In our recent collection of talks, "Multiply: Everywhere in Every Place," we explored how God's principle of multiplication can transform our lives and communities. The main point is clear: Multiplication matters to Jesus. It's not just about growing in numbers but about creating a movement that changes lives and communities for God's glory.

Transform Your Worldview

To be a multiplier, the first step is to transform your worldview. The church in North America often gets stuck in addition rather than multiplication. But Jesus calls us to a higher standard. Romans 12:2 reminds us, "Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." This transformation begins with a fresh perspective, focusing on heaven and the impact we can have through our lives.

Move from Scarcity to Abundance

Next, shift from scarcity thinking to abundance thinking. Paul writes in Colossians 1:9-10 about being filled with the knowledge of God's will. There's no scarcity when we're filled with God's wisdom. Multipliers know that God is bigger and able to provide abundantly. John 10:10 tells us that Jesus came to give us life in abundance. So, instead of asking, "What's the bare minimum I can do?" ask, "How can I leverage what God has given me for maximum impact?"

Develop a Kingdom Vision

Having a kingdom vision means seeing beyond yourself. It's about building God's kingdom through the local church and being all in for Jesus. Proverbs 29:18 warns that without vision, people perish. But with a kingdom vision, we can impact the next generation and beyond. Whether you're volunteering with kids or leading a small group, your investment in others can have a ripple effect that lasts for generations.

Establish a Multiplication Mindset

Finally, establish a multiplication mindset. This doesn't happen by accident; it's intentional and starts with obedience. Jesus' parable of the sower in Matthew 13:23 shows us that those who hear and understand the word produce fruit that multiplies. God's plan has always been to multiply through generations, as seen in Genesis 1:28 and the promise to Abraham in Genesis 22:17.


The point is clear: Multiplication matters to Jesus. Healthy things grow and multiply. So, what steps will you take this week to multiply your perspective? Maybe it's mentoring someone, joining a small group, or starting a Bible study. Whatever it is, start small but start now. Remember, when we change our perspective, we change our actions.


Heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunity to be part of your multiplying work. Help us to transform our perspective, embrace abundance, and focus on your kingdom. Guide us to take the next steps in obedience and use us for your glory. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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