Do You Have Questions?

We are so excited that you have an interest in learning more about Christianity. You probably have a lot of questions. We hope that this page is helpful to you on your quest to find answers. We have also provided below some links to helpful resources on what it means to be a Christian.

We would love for you to reach out to us if you have questions that you can’t find the answers to on this page. We are here to help you take your Next Step on your journey of becoming a follower of Christ. Just fill out the digital Connect Card and write your question in the comment section. A member of our team will reach out to you.

Let’s dive in and start with one of the most frequently asked questions people have.

What is Salvation?

The dictionary defines salvation as, “being saved or protected from harm, or being saved or delivered from a dire situation.”  So, the question is, what harm or dire situation do we need to be saved from?  The answer is an eternity separated from God.

Here are five quick points for you to consider:
1.    God is love. In John 3:16, we learn that “God so loved the world that He gave his only Son …” He created us out of love, and out of His desire to have a relationship with us. His desire is so great, that He gave up his most precious treasure – his Son. But why was that necessary?  

2.    Our sins separate us from God.  According to Romans 3:23, “All have sinned …”  Sin (an immoral act; selfishness towards man and disobedience towards God) keeps us separated from God.  And because of that sin separation, we needed a Savior to fix our brokenness.

3.    Sin cannot be removed by good deeds. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it." God sent His Son, Jesus, to be that Savior for us (Romans 5:8). Jesus paid the price for our sins. We have to decide to follow Him, and not a religion or our selfish desires. That decision is to make Jesus Christ the leader of your life.

4.    Everyone who trusts in Jesus has eternal life. Faith is believing in something that you cannot see. Faith in Jesus requires an understanding that Jesus lived a sinless life, that He died on the cross for your sins, and that He rose from the grave paying for the sins of the world.  Acts 3:19 tells us, “Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away. Then times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” Christianity is based on a person of truth and the resurrection of that truth. We can put our faith in that Truth. Romans 10:9 tells us that if we confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we will be saved from our sins and have eternal life. It’s that simple.

5.    Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.  John 10:10 records Jesus telling us, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” God wants you to have an abundant life now on earth, and an eternal home in heaven. It's a big decision to follow Jesus, but God makes it easy to do through the work of Christ.

Jesus died for ALL, but not all will be in heaven.

Just like any gift, you must receive it in order for it to be yours. Jesus offers us the gift of salvation by simply coming to Him in prayer, confessing that we know we’ve sinned (messed up), and putting our faith in His work on the cross. If you haven’t done that yet, we would encourage you to take that next step in your faith journey right now!
We have also added links to additional resources below that will help with other questions you may have.