Crosstown Pre-K 6/9/2024

Jun 9, 2024

I Timothy 3:15 ... The family of God is the church ...

Questions to discuss with your kids:

1. Who is in God’s family? Everyone who trusts in and follows Jesus.

2. What did people from the first church do that we can do, too? Ideas: Learn, get together, pray, give, help, etc.

3. What do you think is the best way to learn about Jesus? Ideas: Talk to people who know Jesus, learn from the Bible, get together at church to learn, etc.

4. What do you like most about hanging out with other people who love Jesus?

5. What are some things you can share with others?

6. What are some things you can do to help others?

7. What do you think it means to “pray”? Ideas: Talk to God, listen to God, ask for God’s help, etc.