City Kids Elementary 8/25/24

Aug 25, 2024

Today's Point: You Have Power to Make a Difference

Today's Bible Verse: Acts 20:22-24 “And now I am bound by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem. I don’t know what awaits me, 23 except that the Holy Spirit tells me in city after city that jail and suffering lie ahead. 24 But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.

Questions to Discuss with your Child:

o What does Paul mean when he says, “compelled by the Spirit”? (He believed that the Holy Spirit

was telling him or urging him to go to Jerusalem. In a way, he HAD to do it!)

o How do you know that God is speaking to you through the Holy Spirit? (Whatever you think or

believe he’s saying to you ALWAYS agrees with His character, His promises, and His principles

that we find in the Bible. A good question to ask: Would Jesus want me to do this?)

o Why did Paul still want to go to Jerusalem after the Spirit warned him about the difficulties

ahead of him? (He knew the Spirit would help him accomplish his mission to share the Gospel

there AND he believed that finishing this mission was even more important than his very life.)