Crosstown Pre-K 9/22/24

Sep 22, 2024

This week's verse: Jeremiah 32:17 “O ... LORD! You made the heavens and earth ... Nothing is too hard for you!”

Questions you can use to discuss the lesson with your child:

1. What impossible thing did Jesus help Peter to do? Walk on the water

2. If you want to play in some water and pretend to walk on it like Peter, who needs to be nearby watching you? A trusted adult

3. What are some things you can only do when other people help you? Ideas: Cross the street, cook, learn to read, get somewhere, etc.

4. What are some things you can only do when Jesus helps you? Ideas: be friends with God; be kind when I feel angry; heal my heart when it feels broken; pray for someone to get better and see them get better; understand the Bible; etc.