Are there any caveats about recurring Meet-Ups?
We want to ensure that Meet-Ups stay fresh and have a high level of engagement from both hosts and participants, so we require all recurring Meet-Ups to be renewed on our trimester schedule. This gives our hosts an easy exit if they feel the Meet-Up has reached a natural end, or if their availability changes. It also helps us be sure that no one signs up for a Meet-Up that has fizzled out already.
The other way to make sure that we are delivering the best experience for participants is to keep the event calendars up-to-date for each Meet-Up. When a new Meet-Up is created we will set-up the initial event (one-off or recurring), but it is your responsibility to add events or make changes. If we see that a Meet-Up does not have a calendar event scheduled, we will ask you to update it or consider cancelling it.
Are Meet-Ups planned or supervised by City United?
Meet-Ups are independently hosted by people at City United. They are external events planned and supervised by the Meet-Up hosts themselves, and City United communicates their events to our church body. To limit liability, we require background checks for Meet-Up hosts, as well as a Release Waiver for participants in Meet-Ups with potential physical danger.
How do Meet-Ups differ from United Groups?
Meet-Ups and United Groups both have an intentional, complementary purpose. Meet-Ups are for temporary connection around similar interests, helping people to make friends from around the region. These friendships help provide a connection for people in our church who aren't ready to join a United Group and its rhythms. United Groups, and the community and mission they incubate, are committed, family-like communities that are always 10 weeks long and location-based.
What liabilities are involved in hosting a Meet-Up?
Meet-Ups are events hosted by you, the host, so the liability for Meet-Up hosts is equivalent to inviting friends to participate in a private event you've organized. Participants for Meet-Ups with potential physical dangers complete the sixty-second Meet-Up Digital Waiver which releases the host and City United from physical liability.
Can I receive funding for my Meet-Up?
In general, Meet-Up hosts and participants must fund the event themselves and find their own venue.
What if my Meet-Up has costs involved?
No problem! If people are okay with paying the costs, you are responsible for communicating and organizing your funding.
What do I do if my Meet-Up fills up, or has too few RSVPs?
If your Meet-Up fills up, the form will automatically stop allowing people to sign up. If not enough people RSVPd, try reorganizing your Meet-Up at a later time with more notice, or try a different idea.
Is it hard to host a Meet-Up?
Not at all. We want to make it as easy as possible for anyone to host their own Meet-Up. You'll fill out a short form with the plan for your Meet-Up. After the details have been looked over by our Meet-Ups Lead, you'll complete a brief background check and sign a digital waiver. That's it! We'll post your Meet-Up details and help you plan for a successful launch.
What are Meet-Ups?
Meet-Ups are events hosted by people at City United that bring people together to create meaningful friendships around the things they love. Whether it's hiking, reading, painting, or eating tacos, anyone can host or join a Meet-Up centered on something they love doing. Hosting a Meet-Up is easy, whether it be a one-time thing, or recurring.
How will people hear about upcoming Meet-Ups?
We ask that Meet-Up hosting requests be submitted no later than 3 weeks before your Meet-Up will launch. That gives us adequate time to review, approve, and advertise it. As for City United's forms of communication, upcoming Meet-Ups will be occasionally shared on social media, the weekly newsletter, or app notifications. For the most part, the general ongoing traffic to the Meet-Ups homepage should help give exposure to new Meet-Ups, as well as word of mouth and personal invitations from the host.
If I enjoy Meet-Ups, why should I join a United Group?
Meet-Ups help provide a space of connection around similar interests. United Groups are 10-week, family-like communities with a regular family meal, and are the heartbeat of City United. They are followers of Jesus and their friends, learning to live like family, for the good of their city. This is the place where community, accountability, and mission happen. Expect to make friends who feel like family, learn the joy of serving others, and take your next step in following Jesus.
I'm regularly in a United Group. Why should I attend a Meet-Up?
Meet-Ups will help you make more friends and connect with the wider church family by doing things you love together. Many United Group members appreciate the long-lasting, committed relationships they've found in their United Groups, but may feel disconnected from others in their life stage, or from most of the people they see at Sunday Gatherings. Meet-ups help fill this gap in relationship.
What about "gray area" activities that involve things like alcohol, etc?
City United Church will not promote any event or Meet-Up that involves a public invitation to consume alcohol. The Meet-Ups Coordinator reserves the right to deny publishing any event or Meet-Up that is controversial or goes against our biblical standards of conduct (i.e. alcohol, gambling, etc.)