Crosstown Pre-K 7/21/2024

Jul 21, 2024

This week's verse: Isaiah 41:13 “... the LORD your God ... says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”

Questions you can use to discuss the lesson with your child:

1. What kinds of things can you see with eyes?

2. What do you think “spiritual eyes” are? Ideas: The eyes of your heart, the way you know God’s truth when you follow Jesus, etc.

3. What can God help you see with your spiritual eyes? Ideas: God’s with us, God loves us, God’s strong, God’s listening, Jesus is alive, people who need love, etc.

4. What helps your spiritual eyes get stronger? Ideas: pray and ask God to make them stronger; learn from the Bible; show love to others; look at the beautiful world God made; worship God; spend time with God.