Crosstown Pre-K 7/28/2024

Jul 28, 2024

This week's verse: Psalm 51:10 God, create a pure heart in me...

Questions you can use to discuss the lesson with your child:

1. What do you think “distracted” means? Idea: you’re not able to pay attention to the right thing.

2. What things do you think distract people from Jesus? Ideas: Feeling sick, impatient, tired, bored, hungry, annoyed, playing around, waiting, etc.

3. What helps you pay attention to Jesus? Ideas: praying, learning from the Bible, being quiet, etc.

4. What are some things that make you feel happy while you’re doing them?

5. Jesus is the only one who can keep your heart happy all the time. What happy things do you know about Jesus? Ideas: He loves us, forgives us, He’s alive, He’s good, etc.